Ingredients for a portal is a movement lab dedicated to transforming perceptions and uses of space, finding ways to move with joy, care and resilience. We aim to playfully locate and articulate the sites of resistance and play that we envision. Drawing from materials personal to each participant the workshop will be based around connecting with movement and imagination, using writing as a tool throughout this process.

This will be a movement-based workshop so please ensure you wear comfortable clothing. We ask that all participants bring something to the lab - a material of some kind to work with; maybe a song, an object, a memory or something completely different. Find something that sparks joy, care, resilience that you’d like to dive into, or that you feel has ‘world' building potential.
Workshop: Ingredients for a portal: a movement lab
Date: Saturday 24th October
Time: 4-5.30pm
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ZOOM Panel Discussion chaired by Renee Bellamy and Nikhil Vyas
Date: Monday 26th October
Time: 6-7pm
A digital panel and Q&A, chaired by Renee Bellamy and Nikhil Vyas. The participating cohort of artists in this year’s Next Choreography Festival will discuss their experiences of the course and festival, digital processes and collaborations, and the future for young artists.