living, breathing, still. is a dance film inspired by the aesthetics and ideologies of the 1970’s Punk movement.

Punk was about D.I.Y. It was about expression. It was about pursuing new means of creativity and refusing to be censored. Punk was the result of a sense of unease and angst felt by young people. A revolt against consumerism and outdated and oppressive ways of thinking.

Punk was an obsession; a soundtrack to adolescence and a way to make sense of the maelstrom of the thoughts and feelings that comes with becoming more aware of life and the wider world.

It was an education.

So what does Punk look like in 2020? Contained within the four walls of your bedroom?

Locked-down and angry as the world around us burns.

With the planet in the grips of a deadly pandemic, the environment being destroyed and far right governments coming to power all over the globe, the super-rich grabbing more and more wealth as people starve, and being anti-fascist means you’re viewed as a terrorist by governments, Punk is more important and relevant than ever.



Concept & Editing:
Orla Connolly.

Sarah Bryant, Angelos Angelidis, Alice Minervini, Ashlinn De Schonen.

Choreographed in collaboration with performers.

Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK
The Exploited - Fuck The System
X-Ray Spex - Germ Free Adolescents

As part of the living, breathing, still. project. I have curated a zine.

An open collection of visual, written and sound pieces created by a group of artists, inspired by our conversations, our tasks throughout the project and above all else inspired by the vast amount of emotions which have been brewing for years but seemed to have completely boiled over in response to 2020.

Click here and head over to the zine page to have a look.
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