oniric tears
Sometimes I wake up in tears.

It was pretty grim, there were some people of my past who all seemed horny. Like a holy vision. It is not even worthy, it's sentimental. My uncle was surprisingly nice to me wondering if I had drunk enough water or if I felt dehydrated. Tears are running down my cheeks. I am right by the mirror now staring at my own face. Is it my face though? All of a sudden we saw a group of dolphins coming towards us like a holy vision. Then my camera broke and we agreed that something bad had to happen. Tears are running down my cheeks and the pores in my skin are now opening. I start to realise I am probably dying. If I’m dying I will have to go to Ireland to my family, but I hate Ireland. Then there was a very high ceiling dark room that felt like a dome with water in the middle.. I dreamt of saying goodbye to my grandpa, a long hug as we were supposed to meet later and eventually we didn't.

Storm clouds. Maniac yet soothing. So visceral. I feel I can put my hand out and touch them. An electric purple. I don't want this to end. It begins with an ending, although what came before is not clearly separable from what comes after. We went to the city centre of Athens and had to take a metro somewhere and as I was waiting for her to come down to the station I was listening to music, dancing and a beautiful boy smiled at me. Now she would only have her ghosts to keep her company.
But I know what lies inside. I only noticed how uncomfortable I am. They were expecting me? I try to smile as I think this is what they want. The doorbell rings. I didn't ring it though. The feeling was like a river flowing down. I was inside floating with another friend I didn't recognise. As we were floating in the river, the river became a house party and we were floating from one room to another, from one chat to another. A colleague I really dislike opens the door wearing a white floor length dress flowing down and her husband is standing behind her. I immediately get an uneasy sense that he is her pet. Still floating, the party became a marzipan town. Everything is so soft and round and coloured as a child I imagined wonderland.
'Oniric Tears' is a collective hallucination, an investigation of our subconscious.
An open mirror into our most intimate thoughts and fears. Born as a shared diary, a playful way of staying in touch with each other during lockdown. The evocative power of the mysterious abysses we were entering inspired movement, an extemporaneous choreography. Holding the process of sharing our nocturnal anxiety and idyllic refuges sacred, we invite the viewers to join our dance open heartedly.

Dreams as an escape, dreams as unspoken desires.
Dreams as prophecy simultaneously from the past and from the future.
Dreams as a point of convergence and intimacy between the performers and the public, a contact during times of physical distance. Dreams as vulnerable creatures,
imaginary friends that demand our care and attention.
A hallucinatory realm that allows the discontinuity of the self. Dreams as momentary freedom, a rupture from the tentacles of capitalism and the new constraints of life during pandemic. Dreams as an equally existent reality. A revealing and liberating realm to get to know the monsters within us while performing
other possible worlds.

The trio of noctambulists strongly believes in social dreaming as a transformative practice for society. Thus we encourage whoever wants to take part and join our collective dream (by clicking on the quill at the bottom right of the page) whether with a dream from lockdown you still remember, a more recent one or a wish that you've been daydreaming about.
Oniric Tears is a collaboration between Alice Minervini Angelos Angelidis Orla Conolly
with great thanks to Guy Ronen for his editing contribution.

Click here to join our collective dreams text
There was a sense of rush and urgency and I knew my dad who was also attending the trip was there to kill me. I had one bullet in my hand but no way of shooting it other than throwing it really hard with my hand. I dreamt of Deptford but somehow was Italy. An overwhelming metallic taste in my mouth. It seems to be a mirror but I can't see my reflection. I can see theirs.

I found myself in a nationalist fascist gathering protesting before shit went down. My friend dreamed Lana Del Ray having a concert at Gregs, with the sliding doors and people passing by. I was following someone in Montreal to find where I could take a shower. Turns out he was a member of a punk collective that did stupid things, in Guatemala. Somehow our hands found each other and he starts to kiss me intensely. Have I fallen? I am surrounded by leaves. I can't move. Have I fallen?

My father is riding a horse. He stops and looks down at me, he's thinking about helping me, he's about to reach out his hand to grab me. My stepmother calls him and he leaves. I can hear him and my half sister laughing in the distance. I think I dreamt of SAGG Napoli twice this month, is it a sign I should move South? I was having sex with my ex and I ejaculated blood. I was sure I was gonna die or I was just having my first period. There was a feeling of paying back for something I did wrong.

I wish my hometown was a bit more like London so I could live there. We were at Corsica Studios but didn't look like Corsicas. I was in a Uber with my flatmates in a mission to do something against Pornhub headquarters. It was a vortex. His cock and balls were hanging out from his shorts while my mom and my aunt were sitting next to him. I am being told to ssshh. The lizard kept growing and growing without me feeding him. I don't know if this dream is post-virus-apocalypse or what. Everything was aquamarine tones and people were moving as androids. It was spectral yet somehow serene. I was a noctambulist child.

Have I fallen?

I fallen?


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